Whether a Householder or a Recluse, Experience Divine Being in Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches that it does not matter whether your way of life is as a householder or as a recluse.

To gain Higher States of Consciousness, you must do your Meditation Practice.

Your way of life, either out in the world or in seclusion in a monastery or on an ashram, should be carried out in a measured and balanced manner.

Either way of life will integrate and stabilize the changes in Consciousness that come from your Meditation Practice.

We have many different lifetimes as human beings.

The purpose of these lives is the evolution to Higher States of Consciousness.

All of these lifetimes are governed by Natural Law to ensure that all remain in the stream of evolution.

With your many lifetimes, perhaps you have been a recluse meditating; and you have been a householder meditating;

Meditating in a way that transcends the relative field;

Where the experience is of your Self, Divine Being.

Perhaps this is your lifetime now to become established in Divine Being;

To know your Self as Divine Being That is separate from all the activity of the relative field.

If you become established in your Self in this lifetime, you are freed from the cycle of life and death.

As an Enlightened Being, you move on to evolution on higher planes, where lifetimes are longer and much happier than here on the terrestrial plane.

Do your Meditation Practice.

Know your Self as Divine Being, as Universal God.

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