Yoga Is the Union of the Individual with the Divine

by Guru for God
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Most of you think of Yoga as a practice with poses or asanas done with the physical body.
When you practice Yoga, it cultures your nervous system.
The culturing of the nervous system leads to Higher States of Consciousness, including Union with the Divine.
But it takes a long time for this to happen.
A much faster way to cultivate Union with the Divine is with a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field.
In Sanskrit, Yoga is Union.
When you transcend the relative field in your Meditation Practice, you gain Union with the Divine.
The experience is of your Self, referring to ItSelf by ItSelf.
That is Yoga:
Union of the individual with the Divine That is your Self.
Yoga, that Union easily gained with a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field, brings harmony to your life.
It brings harmony to your heart and to your mind, and to the conflicts that sometimes arise between your heart and your mind.
Yoga brings harmony to the relationship of the inner sphere of life with the outer sphere of life:
The inner sphere of life, your Self, that is unbounded, unmanifest and eternally never changing;
And the outer sphere of life, the relative field that is bounded, manifest and eternally changing.
This harmony enables you to be full of contentment and peacefulness.
This harmony allows you to have more support from Divine Being here in your life,
to satisfy your desires and bring you fulfillment.
Yoga, the Union with Divine Being when you transcend in your Meditation Practice, is the first Higher State of Consciousness.
In time, Union with Divine Being becomes permanent.
The repeated and regular infusions of Divine Being in your Meditation Practice transform your mind and physiology to such a degree that they rise to the very status of Divine Being.
Now you know your Self as separate from all the activity here in the world.
You are a witness to all the goings on here in the relative field.
You know your Self as Divine Being.
This is the first stage of Enlightenment.
Transcend in your Meditation Practice.
Gain That Yoga, That Union with the Divine, with Universal God That is your
This is the highway to Higher States of Consciousness.

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